Test: Copper from serum

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)       Test method

Analysis of copper in serum by flame AAS. 3111B Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Method (APHA - Standard Methods - 24th Edition 2022) CVRL/AC 001-13

b)      Sample matrix


c)       Test method   detection limit

0.47 µmol/l

d)      Sample Volume/Amount

2ml serum

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

1 working day

g)       Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

h)      MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Selenium from serum

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)       Test method

Analysis of Selenium in serum by graphite furnace AAS.  3113B Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method (APHA - Standard Methods - 24th Edition 2022)  CVRL/AC 003 - 13

b)      Sample matrix


c)       Test method detection limit

0.2 µmol/l

d)       Sample Volume/Amount

Minimum 500 µl of serum sample

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

2 working days

g)        Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

h)     MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Zinc from serum

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)      Test method

Analysis of Zinc in serum by Flame AAS.  3111B Direct Air - Acetylene Flame Method (APHA - Standard Methods - 24th Edition 2022)  CVRL/AC 002 - 13

b)      Sample matrix


c)      Test method  detection limit

0.6 µmol/l

d)      Sample Volume/Amount

2ml of Serum sample

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

1 working day

g)       Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

h)      MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C (each) from serum

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)      Test method

Analysis of Vitamin A and E in Serum by HPLC.  CHROMSYSTEMS KIT MANUAL.  CVRL/AC 005 -13.

Analysis of Vitamin C in serum by HPLC.  CHROMSYSTEMS KIT MANUAL.  CVRL/AC 006 -13.

b)      Sample matrix


c)      Test method  detection limit

Vitamin A - 0.07 µmol/l

Vitamin E - 1.16 µmol/l

Vitamin C - 2.84 µmol/l

d)      Sample Volume/Amount

Minimum 500 µl of serum

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

2 working days

g)       Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

h)      MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Vitamin B1 from blood

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)      Test method

Analysis of Vitamin B1 in blood by HPLC.  CHROMSYSTEMS KIT MANUAL.  CVRL/AC 004 - 13

b)      Sample matrix

EDTA blood

c)      Test method  detection limit

0.024 µmol/l

d)      Sample Volume/Amount

Minimum 500 µl of serum

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

2 working days

g)       Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

h)      MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Complete element analysis - water

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)      Test method

Analysis of elements in water and drinking water by ICP - OES.  US EPA Method 200.7 Determination of Metals and Trace Metals in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Revision 4.4 CVRL/AC 008 - 13 and Analysis of Anions in water by Ion chromatography.  US EPA Method 300.1. Determination of inorganic anions in drinking water by Ion Chromatograpghy, Revision 1, effective date 31-10-2016. CVRL/AC 007-13.

b)      Sample matrix


c)      Test method  detection limit


c)       Sample Volume/Amount

50 ml of water sample

d)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

e)      TAT

3 working days

f)        Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

  g)     MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.

Test: Complete element analysis - feed

Accreditation status

ISO 17025:2017 from International Accreditation Service, US. Valid until July 2024

Test specifications


a)      Test method

Analysis of Major and trace elements in feed by microwave digestion followed by analysis using ICP - OES.  3120 B Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry (APHA - Standard Methods - 24th Edition 2022). CVRL/AC 009 - 13

b)      Sample matrix


c)      Test method  detection limit


d)      Sample Volume/Amount

5g of Feed sample

e)      Sample submission

CVRL does not conduct site visiting and sampling. Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

f)        TAT

7 working days

g)       Results

Refer ‘CVRL- Guidelines

  h)     MU

Measurement Uncertainty shall be provided upon request.

Whenever MU has to be applied for interpretation of results; the customer shall be notified in advance for confirmation.


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